What is camshaft reprofiling? How are camshafts upgraded?
Reprofiling is an improvement of camshafts in terms of valve opening duration and lift, filling the cylinder with more air, resulting in greater power output, especially at high RPMs. The upgrade is done by removing material on regrinding machines, reshaping each cam lobe. The new lobe we achieve is larger when measured with a protractor over a full Otto cycle. By installing larger camshafts and positioning them correctly, we can achieve higher horsepower at high RPMs with the same pressure compared to stock camshafts. For proper operation of the hydraulic lifters, due to material removal on the lobes at higher stages, shim spacers are provided to ensure smooth idling and cold starts.
STG 2 : intake 258 exhaust 220 + 1mm lift
STG 3: intake 265 exhaust 225 + 1.3mm lift
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ATTENTION : Τhe camshafts that you will send us must be from a working engine.